Sunday 30 November 2008

What is that strange title ?

Not a gender...well...if you've been programming computers, you know that common error message "not a number"...that is what I had in mind when I chose the title of my blog. My very own gender, neither woman (although I have female genitalia), neither man (since I don't want to go on T and all that stuff) is "not a gender" from the point of view of most people. I only wish it could be accepted, and be no more an error...

Is gender necessary ?

Why do we have to be either a man or a woman ? Why are there masculine roles and feminine roles ? Why should our genitalia be the most important part of us, the only thing defining us ?
My feeling is that human communities find it easier, a no brainer way of classifying their members...but things are slowly changing, and "not a gender" will not be an error anymore, someday...

Why english ?

So well...I guess you've figured out I'm not a native english why should I write in english ? Well...first, most people do read english so it might be a better choice then french or norwegian. Moreover, speaking of gender is easier in english than in most languages. This concept does exist in english, so let's stick to english.
If my english is too bad, just tell me, I'm always happy to improve it.

Hello World !

Here we first ever blog...I promise not to talk about me, myself, my belly button and my dog !